Si fane Spoitoru tot pocait si el
am intalnit cel putin 5 indivizi dubiosi care, ca sa ajunga in North America au trecut la pocaiti si au stat 2 ani cuminti apoi s-au apucat iar de furtisaguri, "afaceri", tepe. le-a mers. acum sunt in inchisoare, i-au luat pe rand. culmea, toti erau trecuti la diverse secte. pe unul chiar l-am testat personal. aveam ceva de lucru prin casa si l-am chemat sa imi faca. mi-a cantat trei zile numai imnuri religioase de dimineata pana seara si imi vorbea numai in predici si povete. pana cand am scos niste vin-vin-adeva si surpiza, in vino veritas. s-a dezlegat la limba subit. mi-as spus si cum a obtinut pasaportul fals unguresc, si cum a furat din banii bisericii, si cum si-a inselat nevasta si totul presarat cu injuraturi de dumnezei si organe. mi-a povestit si cum e cu recrutarile de membri noi, cum se folosesc banii ramasi, cine ii foloseste, ce grupuri de interese sunt, ba chiar si o poveste cu Fane Spoitoru prin Montreal. Of course, Fane trecuse la pocaiti si incepuse sa ceara si el o taxa de protectie pt biserica de la enoriasi. sa vezi cum canta Fane prin corul bisericii, o minunatie sa-l asculti.
Romanian gangster expelled
Friday, November 10, 2000 CBC News
A Romanian mafia head has been expelled from Canada after four years — two of them fighting extradition. Ion Titisor has a lengthy criminal record. On Saturday, he was sent back to Romania where he was arrested on multiple charges, including attempted murder. Titisor lived undetected in Montreal for two years after entering the country in 1996 under an assumed name. He was using a fake Hungarian passport. At the time he fled, Titisor was facing trial in Bucharest for attempted murder. Police say he attacked them with a sword in 1992 when they went to arrest him. Titisor was convicted in absentia and sentenced to nine years in prison. While investigating a suspected international gold smuggling operation, court documents show the RCMP discovered an international warrant for his arrest and his extensive criminal history. He was ordered deported in 1998 and made numerous appeals to the Immigration and Refugee Board and the Federal Court.
Friday, November 10, 2000 CBC News
A Romanian mafia head has been expelled from Canada after four years — two of them fighting extradition. Ion Titisor has a lengthy criminal record. On Saturday, he was sent back to Romania where he was arrested on multiple charges, including attempted murder. Titisor lived undetected in Montreal for two years after entering the country in 1996 under an assumed name. He was using a fake Hungarian passport. At the time he fled, Titisor was facing trial in Bucharest for attempted murder. Police say he attacked them with a sword in 1992 when they went to arrest him. Titisor was convicted in absentia and sentenced to nine years in prison. While investigating a suspected international gold smuggling operation, court documents show the RCMP discovered an international warrant for his arrest and his extensive criminal history. He was ordered deported in 1998 and made numerous appeals to the Immigration and Refugee Board and the Federal Court.