
Showing posts with the label smenuri. politica

Baronii lcocali au inceput sa impuste mortal oameni

Romania, din nou rusinea Europei Romania. Again, the shame of Europe

Calin Georgescu a tras tzepe in USA. Are datorii la Fisc, la IRS. Calin Georgescu stealing money in US. IRS is looking for him.

Domnul Goe Calin Georgescu, un tip uns cu toate alifiile, s-a bagat peste tot Romanian King of the Holly Water

Pulitica Romaneasca / Romanian Politics

Biden VS Trump

Belgium - Romania 2 - 0

Ontario is considering mandatory COVID-19 testing for all international travellers at Pearson airport

Si daca e adevarat? What if its true?

Cea mai mare chirie e in Ontario Rental Rates highest in Canada

Costul vietii in Toronto, Canada. Toronto's COST of living, Canada

Politics over beers

Why so much about Romania?

Why Romanians should be happy? - De ce romanii ar trebui sa fie fericiti? Inca.

Canada, you need to fix it

Casa regala, nepotzelu' Neculaie, si Simonik Halep la Toronto Bursake

Nichita Ghe, chinuit de hormoni la 60 de ani

Copilarie grea Elena Udrea Ugly childhood

Supravietuirea The Survival

Boston Tragedy