
Showing posts with the label emigrare

Ghinion, Johanis. Ai plecat. Bad luck, Johanis. You are gone.

Romania, din nou rusinea Europei Romania. Again, the shame of Europe

Calin Georgescu a tras tzepe in USA. Are datorii la Fisc, la IRS. Calin Georgescu stealing money in US. IRS is looking for him.

Domnul Goe Calin Georgescu, un tip uns cu toate alifiile, s-a bagat peste tot Romanian King of the Holly Water

Corona virus blestem sau oportunitate? Coronavirus a Curse or An Oportunity?

Government of Canada discovered the Coronavirus Antidot - fake news

Chiar asa? Really? We lost the papers

Costul vietii in Toronto, Canada. Toronto's COST of living, Canada

Politics over beers

Uitai parola, vere, o uitai! I forgot the password, bro

The future of Romania sau te futura, of, Romania...

Why Romanians should be happy? - De ce romanii ar trebui sa fie fericiti? Inca.

Canada, you need to fix it

Craciun fericit, la multi ani, paste fericit, happy patrick day

Supravietuirea The Survival

Canadian Dream

Ce am inteles din viata

Hai sa fim optimisti - Let's be optimistici

FMI si FBI si multe banci ma cauta

Questions for Ponta Victor And Antonescu Crin