Taxe in Canada
Pentru cei interesati de faptul divers, iata unele din taxele din Canada. Le-am lasat in engleza pentru ca presupun ca cei ce cititi p-aici stiti si aceasta limba de circulatie internationala. Nu ca as avea ceva cu limba rusa.
Deci, cam de unde vin banii la guverneanu canadianu:
Deci, cam de unde vin banii la guverneanu canadianu:
income taxes
property taxes
sales taxes
profit taxes
import duties
licence fees
natural resource fees
fuel taxes
taxes for health
social security and unemployment
taxes on the consumption of alcohol and tobacco
and a host of other levies.
property taxes
sales taxes
profit taxes
import duties
licence fees
natural resource fees
fuel taxes
taxes for health
social security and unemployment
taxes on the consumption of alcohol and tobacco
and a host of other levies.