Minerii din Chile
M-au impresionat chilienii prin optimismul lor si prin organizare. Totul a fost planuit in detaliu, dar cateva mici detalii au scapat. Cum ar fi faptul ca sotia si amanta s-au intalnit la scena gaurii, asteptand acelasi personaj. Totul are legatura cu o gaura, deci...
As the world celebrates with Chile, humour is also beginning to emerge after weeks of concern. Rescued miner and now-famous adulterer Johnny Barrios, whose wife and mistress met at the rescue site during the ordeal, has been one source of levity for local media outlets, said LaFlamme. "(A) headline actually reads: ‘He's free, but still trapped.' So it doesn't take long for humour to emerge once these miners are safe and above ground."
As the world celebrates with Chile, humour is also beginning to emerge after weeks of concern. Rescued miner and now-famous adulterer Johnny Barrios, whose wife and mistress met at the rescue site during the ordeal, has been one source of levity for local media outlets, said LaFlamme. "(A) headline actually reads: ‘He's free, but still trapped.' So it doesn't take long for humour to emerge once these miners are safe and above ground."