
Showing posts with the label Romania

Why Romanians should be happy? - De ce romanii ar trebui sa fie fericiti? Inca.

Canada, you need to fix it

Craciun fericit, la multi ani, paste fericit, happy patrick day

Rock band is changing the Romanian govermment

Casa regala, nepotzelu' Neculaie, si Simonik Halep la Toronto Bursake

Nichita Ghe, chinuit de hormoni la 60 de ani

Supravietuirea The Survival

Divortul in Canada 2

Militia romana apara infractorii

A murit dom' Semaca

Questions for Ponta Victor And Antonescu Crin

Victorash Pontah

Referendum Romania

Dirty Games in Romania

Zi trista in Romanica Sad Day Romania

Adriane, suicide them all!

Discurs politic Political Speech

Ceausescu vazut de afara

Canada - Germania

ce-a mai ramas din oameni?