
Canada News Stiri Canada

How contagious is the Wuhan Coronavirus?

Comparisons for Corona Virus

Corona virus blestem sau oportunitate? Coronavirus a Curse or An Oportunity?

More dangerous than coronavirus!

Government of Canada discovered the Coronavirus Antidot - fake news

Chiar asa? Really? We lost the papers

Michael Jackson and Brad Pitt

Si daca e adevarat? What if its true?

Arde frumos

5 alimente pe care nu ar trebui sa le mananci niciodata 5 foods you should never eat

Amazing song

Everlasting love

Japanese street food - TAMAGOYAKI japanese omelette

Cea mai mare chirie e in Ontario Rental Rates highest in Canada

Costul vietii in Toronto, Canada. Toronto's COST of living, Canada

Old and New

The real masterpiece

In the Shadow of the Moon

Old School

Politics over beers

Why so much about Romania?

Socares prala?

Yes, we can

Avem timp. We have time

Dam Dam dam again enjoy!

do you?

Care sufera ca nu are haine de firma?



Bravo...Ai castigat...Good Job, you won...

Dam da

2003 - 2019 RIP


Am revenit! Im raving, I'm raving Scooter! Dinca si respiratia

Uitai parola, vere, o uitai! I forgot the password, bro

2018 Olympics

sad times

Did you ever had cancer?

Tudorele, mama...

Nothing important

The future of Romania sau te futura, of, Romania...

Dedicate to Romanian Soccer Team - Dedicatie pt echipa de futbol a Romaniei

Why Romanians should be happy? - De ce romanii ar trebui sa fie fericiti? Inca.

Canada, you need to fix it

Craciun fericit, la multi ani, paste fericit, happy patrick day

Rock band is changing the Romanian govermment

Casa regala, nepotzelu' Neculaie, si Simonik Halep la Toronto Bursake

Good night, Greece, wherever you are

Nichita Ghe, chinuit de hormoni la 60 de ani

Vanghelie, mon amour!

Copilarie grea Elena Udrea Ugly childhood

Flash strafulgerare

Supravietuirea The Survival

Copiii nostri

Unu Scurt - A fast one


Canadian Dream

Steve Jobs 2

Do you think you have problems? Crezi ca ai probleme?

Ce am inteles din viata

De remember!

Un tata si copilul lui A Father and His Child

Fight Club Credits

Translate from Spanish, please


Hai sa fim optimisti - Let's be optimistici

Usile - The Doors

from Ontario

Divortul in Canada 2

Cantec pentru MAMA

I'm gone so far away from home

Adrian PAUNESCU - Spune-mi ceva

Tudor Gheorghe

Boston Tragedy

Ala cu maslinul

Chavez s-a dus

Mark Twain Quote

Seara perfecta - pentru EA

Militia romana apara infractorii

A murit dom' Semaca

Lucian Bute - meriti respect!

FMI si FBI si multe banci ma cauta

vai, dar ce important pot sa mai fiu...


Great romanian Hero alive Un mare erou roman in viata

Crime live Ponta Antonescu executed live

Assisted Suicide Adrian Nastase

Despre Canada More about Canada

Questions for Ponta Victor And Antonescu Crin

Victorash Pontah

Olympics Drugs Olimpiada drogatilor

Referendum Romania

Dirty Games in Romania

Mother Teresa

Gypsy Romania

Zi trista in Romanica Sad Day Romania

Adriane, suicide them all!